PRE PURGE TPI DC 710 Bluetooth Analyzer

PRE PURGE TPI DC 710 Bluetooth Analyzer

Free Air Pre Purge of TPI DC 710 Bluetooth Analyzer

It is VERY important to allow the TPI DC 710 Bluetooth Analyzer to PRE PURGE in FREE AIR prior to performing a combustion analysis.
The TPI DC 710 must go through a full start up procedure which includes allowing the analyzer to FULLY COMPLETE its pre test PRIOR to inserting the flue probe into a boilers exhaust (or intake if checking for cross contamination possibility).

Basically the analyzer will tell you (right on the screen of your cell phone, tablet, etc.)  when the pre test has fully completed its own internal diagnostics and is ready to be used. 

The boiler( heating appliance) should also be in a steady state of combustion prior to inserting flue probe into the flue 

This usually takes two to three minutes in free air (outside of the mechanical room is best). Allow the analyzer the time to do this completely! 

If "rushed" the analyzer can begin to sample high CO above the recommended outputs and become "CO saturated" and will have to be pre purged for an extended amount of time in free air ( usually outside of the structure in outdoor air with analyzer running and pump on)! This can potentially take an hour or more to flush and stabilize the CO detector in the analyzer. 
At its WORST potential damage can be caused to the analyzer (usually the CO detector in the analyzer) and will have to be sent back to TPI for repair/service. 

This is clearly stated and outlined in the TPI Operating manual-pages 7,  8 and 9 ! 

The TPI DC 710 operating/instructional manual can be found here:

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