Salus/Braeburn Unit Error Code E6

Salus/Braeburn Unit Error Code E6

Regarding the unit with Error code E6, that image is quite helpful. The device is failing to boot.

Try the hard reset button, which can be found on the side of the thermostat behind the vents. Use a small screwdriver or similar object to press that button. I would advise replacement of the batteries before doing that.

If the thermostat still does not boot successfully, check the date code. If it’s a 1952, this could be another case of the memory going corrupt due to the low battery alerts being ignored and the device writing its memory under critically low battery. In that case, a warranty replacement of that unit is required.

NOTE: The picture attached is an example of it failing to boot up properly. This type of thermostat with date code (1952) could be affected. Salus notified me that these were a bad batch of thermostats and could be replaced under warranty. I believe the warranty is covered for equipment from the last five years but please confirm.