tekmar Indoor Feedback System Control RA-05

tekmar Indoor Feedback System Control RA-05

What is Outdoor Reset?

Outdoor reset is a great tool that is used to reduce the boiler supply water temperature based on the current outdoor temperature.  As the outdoor temperature increases, the boiler supply water decreases.  This will lead to energy savings and increased comfort.  The only problem is that outdoor reset is generally going to be a conservative estimate.  Indoor feedback from the actual spaces would be the most ideal way to reset the boiler water temperature.

What is the RA-05 Control?

The RA-05 is a control that will average the temperature in five different locations and use that data to fine-tune the reset temperature of the heating system.  This control needs to be paired with a tekmar boiler staging control with tN4 communication logic.

Where Should The Sensors be Placed?

The most ideal location would be on the top floor in the North, East, and West corner locations, as these locations will generally have the worst heat loss.  The remaining two sensors should be placed in different locations on the top floor on inside walls away from sun exposure.